Cheryl Lankhaar Instructor
Watercolor Workshop
June 9-13- 25
Monteagle Sunday School Assembly, Monteagle , TN
Call the MSSA office at 931-924-2286 to register after 4-1-25

Katydid cottage - Watercolor by C. Lankhaar

Puerto Rican Paradise - Watercolor by C. Lankhaar
Exploring watercolors from a fresh perspective by painting MSSA garden images
Instructor -Cheryl Lankhaar
This workshop will focus on drawing skills and understanding values in creating strong paintings.
We will also review watercolor theory and mixing.Our subject matter will be painting an image of a MSSA garden of your choice from your photograph. If you do not have a photograph you will be provided one by the instructor.
This class builds upon itself , so attendance by each student - all 5 days, is imperative .
This class is for the artist who seriously wishes to grow in their drawing and painting expertise whether a beginning or seasoned artist.
All skill levels can benefit from this class. Students may provide their own materials of watercolor brushes, watercolor, paints, and specialized watercolor paper, if they wish.
For students without watercolor supplies, several $50 kits will be offered in advance which include quality artisan grade watercolor paints, quality watercolor, paper, and use of brushes.
​ $25 class material fee for all students : reserve a kit 2 weeks in advance for an additional $50.
​Maximum 8 students