Cheryl Lankhaar Artist and Illustrator
A historic mountain inspiration to paint
Our book The Monteagle Assembly, Kinsley's Story was created to tell the story of a child's delightful experience
in spending the entire summer at the Monteagle Sunday School Assembly. My dear friend, Brigid Murphy Stewart ,
the book's author, wrote this touching book around my gouache illustrations. We interviewed numerous Assembly families to discover what key elements of the Assembly experience have kept families returning for over 7 generations and integrated these into our book.
This was our Covid project over an 18 month time span. We published this book as leap of faith. We were unsure if anyone would be interested in our historic childhood literature piece. Once the book was published we received an overwhelming positive response and sales were bountiful. This has been a profoundly rewarding and challenging project which enriched my growth as an artist. I utilized my knowledge of painting people, landscapes and architecture to create these illustrations.
Together with the author, I developed unique designs
to accommodate the needs of our book and helped to
preserve precious memories for all who love MSSA
- especially the children..

The cover of our book
The Monteagle Assembly, Kinsley's Story
Kinsley Books can be purchased at:

Original book illustration
1982 Centennial Parade MSSA
9 x 12" gouache

Original book illustration
Fireworks at MSSA
9 x 12" gouache

Candlelight Vigil
9 x 12" gouache
$150.00 USD
Original book illustration

Original book illustration
Rutledge Falls summer fun
9 x 12" gouache

Original book illustration
Golf Cart Ride
$125.00 USD
9 x12" gouache

Original book illustration
Cocoa and the birthday cake
$125.00 USD
9 x12" gouache
* This image is the one that started the entire concept of this children's

Original book illustration
4th of July celebration
$125.00 USD
9 x12" gouache